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Showing posts from April, 2015

PARA 1.0

Para- | Define Para- at para - a prefix appearing in loanwords from Greek, most often attached to verbs and verbal derivatives, with the meanings ā€œat or to one side of, beside, side by sideā€ ... ā€Ž Para-educator - ā€Ž Para-toluidine - ā€Ž Para-aortic body - ā€Ž Para-phenetidine Para - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Para Para may refer to: Contents. [hide]. 1 Miscellaneous; 2 Sports; 3 Biology; 4 Companies and organizations; 5 Entertainment; 6 Places; 7 Currency; 8 Chemistry ... ā€Ž Miscellaneous - ā€Ž Sports - ā€Ž Biology - ā€Ž Companies and organizations If I begin to explain what Para means, would you be patient to listen to me? It's time! Hi there, yes you!, you reading this text here on my space, I have been through the good, the bad and ugly in the hands of man kind, literally, I have sacrificed my happiness for the same cru...


    5 Things You Should Know About Letting Go Even after you let go, the past is still part of who you are.  Every one of us lives in the present and makes choices based on some part of the past.  This fact is simply unavoidable.  You are only able to read these words right now because of your past.  Your brain relates past experiences (or learned knowledge) to these words. All forms of learning rely on your ability to continually reference the past.  If you think about it, many wise decisions you have made leading to this very moment were created through recalling what did or did not work in the past.  You are only able to do what you can now because of what you learned.  For instance, you only recognize a friend when she walks into the room because you reference a past connection with her.  In this way, you are using the past effectively. But when you start behaving ineffectively because you think, ā€œthis is t...


  #HappyBirthdayVien Was trending I guess last week March 27th 2015 (Take That Banky W, Lol)