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VIEN007 (PROFILE) VIEN007 Originally from Benin city, Edo state, she grew up in Festac, Lagos, Nigeria from a young age. Vien whose real name is ā€œBamidele Vivian Osagieā€ is an ex-beauty queen racking up awards and nominations from Ex-Star Quest musical reality tv show participant, to being a Beauty Queen (LASU), Miss Lagos State University (2007), Miss Beauty with Purpose @ Miss NUGA Games (2008), and 1st Runner up @ Miss Aqua Select Bikin Pageant (2009). Vien auditioned in South Africa for BigBrother Africa 2011, she was chosen out a thousands of Nigerians but left the show to go write her final year exams. VIEN007 (PROFILE) As A Media-Maven On Air Personality City 105.1 Fm Lagos-Nigeria Sep 2013 - Dec 2020 (7 years, 3 months, 7 days) With Vienā€™s dexterity, she produced live shows of every belt on City 105.1 Fm Lagos, from Lights out midnight show which was number 1 night show in Nigeria, to the breakfast show, to the weekend lounge, the super drivetime show and finally, her la...


CRYPTO MARKET OVERVIEW FOR 2022 Financial education goes beyond what you learn at school. With the world economy on the edge of crisis as Robert Kiyasoki and George Gammon (Host of the rebel capitalist show) discussed in a recent interview on the ā€œRich Dadā€ Radio show on YouTube, I have come to the realization that beyond getting an education or being an entrepreneur, you must find something that gives one financial freedom. As you read this article, I want you to understand that the main thing that can help you achieve such freedom, asides property investment, or investing in food, is crypto market. You can make more money without spending the rest of your life working. I mean, people are sitting on more cash now than in the past 20 years and itā€™s thanks to crypto. Statistics expected the number of global crypto owners investing in crypto market to reach 1 billion by the end of 2022 and the global crypto population increased by +178% in 2021, rising from 106 million in January to 2...


HEY YOU, WHAT'S UP? Been a minute since I stoped by here, but thought to say Hi, and Bye. Things are going according to Gods plan in my life and I thought to share it here in myu next post. So, sit back relax and wait for it. In the mean time. I will be a speaker at this years Social media week which has been rebranded to Africa Next. Yo! I am speaking on remaining relevant in your industry (Funny this mantle has been bestowed upon me). I promise to bless as many as I can come the 3rd of March 2022. Make sure you get registerd ontime to be a part of it and major shout out to Tiyan (Tee-Yarn) of The Ladies Hive Podcast for inviting me onboard the sessions. Love you all dearly. Be kind to one another, it's not gonna cost you much. Bamidele V.Osagie For Vien007


That's all you need to know today. That is enough! God is Enough. Be kind to one another. Vien007.


Don't get me started with the whole, "Vien007 has eaten breakfast", this has nothing to do with me but more of you. Listen, when we were kids, the only thoughts filled in womens brains were marriage, kids and more kids, then maybe money for the kids of this every growing Gen z and Gen X, I mean, our parents and fore fathers were all about lovem but theses days, "Love" they say is never really enough. Today, I truly want to disect the core reasons on why people breakup, or divorce beyond reconcilliation that is to say, the file for irreconcilable differencies. In a few bullet points, I will just list all 10 reasons/Root causes of divorce in the 21st century (Trust me on this, I know what I'm saying) 1. Insecurity. Now this births lack of trust in your partner, loss of respect for eachother and other things brought about by it. Like I said, itrs just bullet points, if you want the full breakdown, then you'd have to subscribe to my YouTube chanel http...