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   Thursday is here again, is it me or the days are just going by fast, well, its getting close enough to my millions realms, i guess that's why it moving so fast, yes boss!(in Naeto C's voice). Got new photos in my photos photos and guys, i think i just found Mc. Accapella's look alike, but i will show you tomorrow, loll.

   Its a cool day, the sun is not yet out but like the tongue twister goes, "The Sun Shall Soon Shine", i hope it really does, because today i am heading off to the pool, yay!, waiting for Mr. Yarns and Doubra to show up, once its 10 am, its gonna be show time, i just hope i can remember where my bikini lies in my box, got a couple of them though but my favourite of them all (going all mirror mirror on the wall, which bikini is the most favourite of them all, loll) is the 007 Halle Berry swim suit which is by the way the coolest bikini ever! i just had to get it(chuckles). So, the excitement from yesterday still lingers and its all thanks to the big man upstairs(GOD), now its time to go unwind and have fun at the pool, i do know from next week its gonna be work! work!! work!!! but for today and tomorrow, i sure will try to do a little bit of time out. Pictures coming soon in my T.G.I.F, oh i cant wait to see it too.

   Mum just made breakfast and hmm, i sure tastes and smells good, its Semovita and Ogbono Soup (wheat flour and draw soup), my second best meal though, the grand prize goes to Beans and Plantain but i get just as excited as i do with the Semo and Ogbono Soup(yum yum in Baby Nonoh's voice), i am having my meal and typing at the same time, sure good at multitasking when its food and work involved, shoot! just noticed my blogger interface has been upgraded, wow! thanks to all who view Vien Smart on a daily basis, just learned that soon, when i hit the 10,000 mark  of views, I will get something huge from blogger, thanks again guys and ladies (or like how ace producer Lay Low would say "Fellas and Females''), sure cant be a blogger without your views, so again, thanks you.(okay, enough with the speech,loll).

Tu face Idibia added another year to his 30 something plus age some days back and every Nigerian home and abroad celebrated him i sure feel like i am the only one who didnt send a shout out to him, so on that note, Mr. Tu Baba Tu Face Innocent Idibai, congratulobia, (Congratulations) that sure rhymes with your name Idibia on your birth day, i sure hope your Mrs. Annie Macaullay Idibia got you the gift of a life time (come on guys, i am not talking about babies, though they last ones life time too, laughing really hard at this moment).

   While at the pool side, i will write some songs and rap too for an up coming event, DCC'S GOT TALENT, i just hope my entry into the competition is not too late, i may be the M.c for this again, just keep your fingers  crossed. Friday is my Karaoke night with my ex boss, Papa Yo! and i know Nigeria's Got Talent is taking his time these days, but my mentor sure loves to go singing so, i will just stalk him, loll.
Got to go, see y' all later alligators and be kind to one another.

Bamidele V. Osagie


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