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Ever had that awkward moment when you sat next to someone on a train ride or a bus ride and they just smell so bad you want to puke? or better still, imagine that smell being stuck on your skin as you get off (that is one sight and smell you wish to forget but it lingers, smiles), well, here is a quick one for you to either get rid of the odor for someone or better still if you are the one who smells, this article will help you.

Preventing Body Odor

Have you ever finished a sweaty workout, and within minutes, noticed a peculiar smell? When "Jack" (not his real name) left the gym after basketball practice, he walked up to a group of friends. They immediately commented on someone’s body odor, wondering which of them was the culprit.
"When I realized it was me, I was humiliated," Jack said. "I quickly went to my locker and realized that I didn’t have a deodorant at school.
"I avoided all my friends that day. When I got home, I put my new deodorant in my backpack to make sure this never happens again."

Is Body Odor Normal?

Jack is not the first (or last) teen to notice body odor. Bromhidrosis (another word for body odor) happens at puberty because of increasing hormones called androgens. These hormones are not active until puberty, which is why body odor wasn’t a problem when you were a kid.
While sweat itself is virtually odorless, bacteria use it as a breeding ground and multiply rapidly. What you smell is the products related to bacteria breakdown of keratin protein on the surface of your skin. Sounds disgusting, doesn’t it? Chalk it up to an unpleasant fact of life!
When you work out or move around in the heat or sun, your body produces sweat. Sweating is the body’s way of regulating temperature. When sweat meets the bacteria on the surface of your skin, it produces an odor. That smell is what we call body odor (or B.O. for short).

Why Do My Feet Smell?

While body odor is usually associated with the armpits, bacteria can also produce odor in the groin, anus area, upper thighs, and feet, among other places. Thoroughly washing your skin with a wet washcloth and soap -- especially those areas prone to sweating -- can help prevent body odor.
Remember that smelly feet can also cause smelly shoes. Treating your shoes with an over-the-counter deodorizer can help. Also, wear thick, absorbent socks if you can.

How Do I Fight Body Odor?

If you want to be "odor-free" consider the following tips:

6 Tips for Reducing Body Odor

Ever had that moment where you wonder if you smell, well, not so great? It happens. But you can make body odor go away. Try these six tips.

1. Keep Yourself Squeaky Clean

Shower at least once a day and you'll wash away sweat as well as reduce the number of bacteria on your skin.
Sweat by itself is virtually odorless. But when microscopic bacteria that live naturally on your skin mix with sweat, they multiply quickly and raise quite a stink.
So washing thoroughly, especially areas prone to sweating, can reduce body odor.
If you sweat normally, you might have more of a problem with body odor than people who sweat too much.  That's because, when people sweat excessively, the sweat tends to wash away the odor-causing bacteria.

2. Use Antibacterial Soap

Choose an antibacterial bath soap. Washing thoroughly with an antibacterial soap bar will reduce the bacteria count, in turn reducing the odor.
Look for the words "antibacterial" on the soap's packaging.

3. Towel Off Thoroughly

Once you've showered, be sure you dry yourself completely. Towel off and make sure you dry any areas where you sweat a lot.
If your skin is dry, it's harder for bacteria that cause body odor to breed on it.

4. Apply "Industrial Strength" Deodorants or Antiperspirants

man applying deodorant in office
Once you are clean and dry, use a strong deodorant or antiperspirant on your underarms. While deodorants do not prevent sweating, they mask the smell of bacteria on your skin. Antiperspirants contain aluminum chloride, a chemical that reduces sweating, and often also contain a deodorant.
Stronger deodorants and antiperspirants are available without a prescription. Look for products that say on the label they are higher strength due to ingredients.
If you think you need even more help, you may want to ask your doctor about prescription antiperspirants.  
Apply the deodorant or antiperspirant twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

5. Keep Your Wardrobe Squeaky Clean

Change clothes often when you're sweating heavily. Fresh clothes help keep body odor down.  
Be sure to change your socks as well, especially if you tend to have foot odor. Use deodorant powders in your shoes, replace insoles frequently, and go barefoot if possible.

6. Cut Out or Cut Down "Offensive" Foods

What you eat affects your body odor.
Foods that tend to make you sweat more, such as hot peppers or other spicy foods, might also contribute to body odor. And the aroma of foods such as onions or garlic can be carried in the sweat, making you smell bad.
  1. Apply an antiperspirant at bedtime. This gives the product a chance to work while you sleep and are not sweating.  If you apply antiperspirants after showering in the moning, the sweat you accumulate will wash away the product and render you defenseless against daytime sweating. Remember, deodorants do not prevent sweating. They mainly mask the smell of the sweat on your skin. Antiperspirants are chemical agents that reduce sweating. Many antiperspirant preparations also contain a deodorant, which helps to mask the smell. Check the product you use to make sure it contains an antiperspirant.
  2. Keep your underarms dry. Bacteria have a hard time breeding in dry areas of the body.
  3. Try a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water to fight body odor. Use 1 teaspoon of peroxide (3%) to 1 cup (8 ounces) of water. Wipe this on affected areas (underarm, feet, groin) with a washcloth. This may help destroy some of the bacteria that creates odor.
  4. If sweat from working out is your No. 1 cause of body odor, wash your workout clothes often. Sweaty gym clothes are a bacteria-breeding ground.
  5. Change your diet. Sometimes, fatty foods, oils, or strong-smelling foods such as garlic, curry, and onions, can seep through your pores and cause body odor (always see a doctor or dietician before making drastic dietary changes).
  6. If you have excessive sweating (called hyperhidrosis), talk to your doctor. There are a few treatment options for those with more severe sweating who desire more aggressive treatments. Also, certain medical problems can lead to excessive sweating. Your doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
  7. Shaving your underarm regularly will help prevent the accumulation of bacteria and can reduce sweat and odor.
  8. In some societies, body odor is accepted. But most countries today frown on body odor. In fact, some religions have strict guidelines about bathing practices and personal hygiene.
    The best way to fight body odor is through prevention. For most teens, proper hygiene -- like washing well and applying an underarm antiperspirant or deodorant -- should be enough.


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