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Everyone has been there, well if you haven't, then you probably are not in existence.

What do you do when you have a partner but you are in love with another?How can you love 2 people the same way?

As I type I am truly exhausted, not from the topic though, but from work but can never complain because I love my job, actually, both jobs at City 105.1 Fm.

The City Media Academy Season is officially on as you read this, and yes I am still the Academy Principal ( So that means 2 jobs more money right?), and I am not complaining, as long as I have life and God, I believe I can do all, well in my case, both jobs (Smiling Hard).

Some say it is not possible to fall in love while with another, others believe there must be a way out of this hot mess(If believed to be one) if in it. Well, here is what I think. I believe if you try any of these tips below, your life might just be set back to normal, and if it doesn't work, just follow me on instagram @Vien007_ and I might be able to hook you up to the true love of your life, or better still, catch my midnight show, Lights Out With Vien on City 105.1 Fm, Lagos- Nigeria.

So, still waiting for that advice?, here it is, just 5 of them, don;t forget to thank me later (laughing and smiling as I type " That Part" like Kanye West song with Young Thug).



Pretend like this other man doesn't exist. Do you actually want to stay with your boyfriend? Do you still love him? Does he make you extremely happy?

If your relationship is still strong, then most likely, you will want to ignore your feelings for the new guy. When you have something great, why risk it for something unknown?

If your relationship is bad, then you should end it regardless of your feelings for the new guy.

Other men come and go through your life all the time.  They will continue to come and go if/when you are married.  Sometimes they are signals.

You have a BF.  This is different than a husband.  He is a BF because you are interviewing (I assume; big assumption) for the position of "husband."  It's OK if BF fail to turn into husband material; that's why we date.

At the same time, "fell in love with" can be a warning flag, esp. if one is actively involved with someone else at the time.

It appears that the new guy is better than the current flame, but what I suspect is that he is simply "different."  Different and new usually does feel more interesting than old and familiar.

The problem is, it's really HARD to make a good lifetime decision when what you are really looking at is "next available."

You need to (old lady here, telling you how to live your life) get clear about what you want in a partner.  Then go find that guy.  Maybe he's the one you're with; maybe he's this new person; maybe he's someone you haven't met yet.  Unless you know what it is you want, you will find it hard to make a solid decision about being in a relationship and you will always be subject to falling in love with the next guy.

(Which is a path taken by a large number of women, to be sure.  If you want a future with five or six ex-husbands, you are on your way....)

Well, to know what you should do (leave your current partner and go for the new man or stay in the relationship), you should ask yourself the following questions first:
1. Are You Going Through A Crisis?
2. Is There Any Pattern?
3. What Are You Looking For In A Romantic Relationship?
4. Are Your Expectations Realistic?
5. Do You Feel Happy?
6. What Do You Like About Your Current Relationship?
7. What Do You Dislike In Your Relationship?
8. Who Will Be Affected By Your Decision?
9. Could You Live Without Your Current Partner For Good?
10. Is This Really Love?
11. How Far Would You Go With The New Man?
12. Is It Worth It?
I think if you can answer these questions honestly, then you will know what you should do this case

As already said, don't cheat! Does your boyfriend love you? If so, keep this in mind:
Image one of those kitchen hand mixers that is modified so that the blade is electrified. Now ram it into your heart and turn it on, stirring it around in your chest. Imagine at thesame time you are in a coffin with a window where you can see the people lowering you into the grave, but you cannot move even to blink. No one sees that you are still alive, but you see and hear each shovel of dirt as you are being buried. Imagine neither of this is fatal, but is done multiple times a day for months on end. You cannot breath properly and the pain in your chest is physical. You cannot sleep. You cannot eat. You cannot work. The only thing going through your head is desperation, looking for something, anything to stop the pain. But...there is nothing...the pain goes on and on and on and on and....
Maybe your boyfriend is not husband material and you might be better off with your crush. If you intentionally do this to someone, you are truly an evil person.

Sometimes we are confused between actual love and attraction ( hormonal locha). 

Close your eyes for a while and imagine that you are on a beautiful romantic date with all the delighted dishes and breathtaking ambience as in your dream date. Now ask your heart that whom you wanted to accompany you here. 

You will get your answer :) 

Don't carry a relationship if you are not happy with it just because the sake that other person might get hurt (yes he will hurt for sure but what's the use if you are not happy) 

And if you figure out that you still want your boyfriend than just stop talking to that other guy and be faithful to him. 

Blessed :)

That's all folks, live life while you can, and fall in love while you can as well, but above all, be kind to one another. See y'all later alligators, later (s)!

Love Always,

Bamidele Vien Osagie

The Sassy Classy Vien007 ( Finally found my true identity, smiles.)

Bamidele "Vien 007" Osagie


Vien Smart/


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