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Every girls dream, to wear the traditional white dress, but what if mine is different?

So, Thursday came and Oscar is constipated, but I am in great shape and ready for the show. A lot is happening today, wedding dresses happens to be the topic for today, check these out.

If you think I am crazy to want to wear a suit on my day then sue me, because this is the choice.

There is an old poem about how the colour of your wedding dress will influence your future: “Married in white, you will have chosen all right. Married in grey , you will go far away. Married in black, you will wish yourself back. Married in red, you’ll wish yourself dead. Married in blue, you will always be true. Married in pearl, you’ll live in a whirl. Married in green, ashamed to be seen, Married in yellow, ashamed of the fellow. Married in brown, you’ll live out of town. Married in pink, your spirits will sink.”

Back to life, and reality, so I finally realised that this life is vain. Hence forth I will take each day as though it were the beginning of a new Born's life and the end of that of Benjamin Button.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
2008 Film
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a 2008 American fantasy drama film directed by David Fincher. The storyline by Eric Roth and Robin Swicord is loosely based on the 1922 short story of the same name by F. Scott Fitzgerald

I really do not know why people do care to sabotage another and why someone will even care to start a rumour about you, or even pick on you If you refuse to say good morning (what is the point? why wish someone good morning but think ill of them in your heart?, if it were in America, you dare not threaten your neighbour, else you'll get shot on sight the next morning, and lets see if you can respond to that!).

So, I finally moved into my own apartment and it sure feels good to be really alone and happy, far from home, far from people and far from the whole drama of the world I used to live in. A world where a lady is being picked on like an inanimate object by work mates, wanna be friends in sheep's clothing's and low lives, a world where the opposite sex feels its his right for a woman to pick up the phone and call him (really? like seriously? when you are not my father, laughing hard), a world where some folks love the idea of trying to hit on you when they have their so called belles they would eventually marry (laughing hard, only if ladies could be as wise as I am to figure these things out.), and above all, a world where we play the part well and act righteous but deep inside we know our true existence and what we are!

A lot has happened in my life time but above all, is this defining moments that I face, I recently learnt how to say "No", and trust me, its been the best days ever, I used to be the people person who loves to say more yes rather than no, but recently discovered that if I don't say how I will not be punished or caned but rather be given space, freedom and distance(exactly my recipe for growth, smiles), also found out yet again, that if 10 people in a space were to vote if they love you, only 2 of that 10 truly do like you and others just have to force a smile whenever they see you, don't be in shock, its the truth.
Christopher Nicholson

I really wish I could go on and on but I just have to stop here, here is the 411 of how the weekend was like.
So, I got a call from my friend from way back in high school (yes!, the boy who can draw), and he wants us to hang out and have some drinks (last time we tried that, I almost ended up slapping him, so this time, the drink is on me, he better get ready to drink soda and lime, cos there ain't gonna be no liquor and no room for misbehaving too), and as for my Saturday and Sunday, guess what, I was blanked out!, took some anti malaria drugs that literally got me dazed all through till now, and don't worry, I am fine, as you can tell (I happen to be the author here). speaking about authors, I am loving this book by Christopher Nicholson, "The Elephant Keeper", this is one book that is very inspirational, though asides the fact that the novel smells like weed, thanks to the guy who gave me, its really a book that gets you high, if you know what I mean.

Looking forward to this new week, and oh! since I figured out most people enjoy to keep tabs on me through my posts, I have officially decided to give you, yes you reading this, random stories and also do some copy and paste editions (like how the Nigerian bloggers do), who knows, I may end up being a better Gossip Girl than the main one in the T.v  series.
Kim Kardashian in the Gothic look.
My look for tomorrow like I said is rather going to be Gothic

and no chance of having make up on till further notice(lets see if the boys will still be attracted to my scary side, and yes, some photos photo to make your day and my top new video for this week.


That's all folks, see y' all later alligators(hm, been long I said that, be kind to one another.

Bamidele V. Osagie


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