So, here we are again, a new music legend emerges in the Nigerian entertainment industry as Fatai "Rolling Dollar" aged 86, dies. Funny how we only celebrate the "great" when they are no more, well, guess that's why it takes death to make them Legendary. From that note, to my words today.
This life is just as frail as a new born, what we make of it is up to God and us, I have been in shock for these past days but much better now and can smile according to the bible verse, Romans 8:28, yes! all in the end is working for my good and haven said that, I am inspired today to help guide you to the path of a healthier, longer life, do heed my call and holler at me when you are 105 (laughing hard)
1.Be Conscientious
2.Make Friends
3.Choose Your Friends Wisely
4.Quit Smoking
5.Embrace the Siesta
6.Embrace the Siesta
7.Eat Like an Okinawan
8.Get Married
Please note, I am aware this world is full of black and white, hence why my post is in such colour, laughing hard, the funny thing is, the copy and paste thing did not work, it never does, now you see why I like my own creativity and my own original scripts. Haven said that, stick around, because later today I will share my true life story about what happened to me on Monday this week, and why I have been MIA and very distant these days. See y'all later alligators, be kind to one another.
Bamidele V. Osagie

So, here we are again, a new music legend emerges in the Nigerian entertainment industry as Fatai "Rolling Dollar" aged 86, dies. Funny how we only celebrate the "great" when they are no more, well, guess that's why it takes death to make them Legendary. From that note, to my words today.
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Protect Your DNA
As we age, the ends of
our chromosomes -- called telomeres -- become shorter. This makes people more
vulnerable to disease. You might think there's nothing you can do, but new
research suggests otherwise. In a study, lifestyle changes boosted an enzyme
that increases telomere length. Other studies also find diet and exercise can
protect telomeres. So healthy habits may slow ageing at the cellular level.
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1.Be Conscientious
Conscientiousness is the state of being thorough, careful, or vigilant; it implies a desire to do a task well.[1]Conscientiousness is also one trait of the five-factor model of personality, and is manifested in characteristic behaviour's such as being efficient, organised, neat, and systematic
An 80-year study found one of the best predictors of a long life
is a conscientious personality. Researchers measured attributes like attention
to detail and persistence. They found that conscientious people do more things
to protect their health and make choices that lead to stronger relationships
and better careers.
2.Make Friends

Science has given you one more reason to be grateful for your
friends – they might help you live longer. Australian researchers found elderly
social butterflies were less likely to die over a 10-year period compared to
people with the fewest friends. Another analysis of results from 148 studies
supports the link between plentiful social connections and longevity.

3.Choose Your Friends Wisely
Your friends’ habits rub off on you, so look for companions with
healthy lifestyles. Studies indicate obesity is socially “contagious"
– your chance of becoming obese increases by 57% if you have a friend who
becomes obese. Smoking is another habit that spreads through social ties, but
the good news is that quitting is also contagious.
4.Quit Smoking

It's no secret that giving up cigarettes can lengthen your days --
the amount of extra time may surprise you. According to a 50-year British
study, quitting at age 30 could increase your lifespan by an entire decade.
Kicking the habit at age 40, 50, or 60 boosts life expectancy by 9, 6, or 3
years, respectively.
5.Embrace the Siesta
A siesta is standard in many parts of the world, and now there's
scientific evidence that napping may help you live longer. A recent study with
24,000 participants suggests that regular nappers are 37% less likely to die
from heart disease than occasional nappers. Researchers think naps might help
your heart by kee
ping stress hormones down.

and again, I repeat, sleep
6.Embrace the Siesta
A siesta is standard in many parts of the world, and now there's
scientific evidence that napping may help you live longer. A recent study with
24,000 participants suggests that regular nappers are 37% less likely to die
from heart disease than occasional nappers. Researchers think naps might help
your heart by keeping stress hormones down.

7.Eat Like an Okinawan

The people of Okinawa, Japan once had the longest life expectancy
in the world. Researchers attribute this to the region's traditional diet,
which is high in green and yellow vegetables and low in calories. Some
Okinawans make a habit of eating only 80% of the food on their plate. As
younger generations have veered from these traditions, life expectancy in
Okinawa has fallen.

8.Get Married
Several studies show that married people tend to outlive their
single counterparts. Many researchers attribute the difference to the social
and economic support marriage provides. While a current marriage offers the
greatest benefit, people who are divorced or widowed have lower mortality rates
than those who have never been married.
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9.Lose Weight
If you're overweight, slimming down can protect against diabetes,
heart disease, and other life-shortening conditions. Belly fat appears to be
particularly harmful, so focus on deflating that spare tire. A 5-year study of
Hispanics and African-Americans
suggests eating more fibre and exercising regularly are effective ways to
reduce belly fat.
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