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There are times where I sit back and just marvel at how beautiful my life is and how beautiful it can still be,  and truth be told, Rome wasn't built in a day but I am grateful for every bit of the love, hurt, pain, and lesson life has thrown at me cos at the end of the day, I am still here and I matter.

Today's Blogging for the first time in a long time, is not about me. Here is why. I always turn up, I love the flashy life (Which I barely have), I live for the good stuff life has to offer, but someone helped straighten my path at some point in my life, hence the woman I have become and this.

about weak ago, what song comes to your mind .....


sometimes, certain great people you know today, didn't just become great all by themselves but someone somewhere was actually behind their greatness. Here is a Lady who has added some ingredients in my life(chibuzor) for the past seven years of my life. Before i met her,i used to think of myself as a super woman who could do it all by herself without anyone contributing to her personality, but upon meeting this great woman (chibuzor) everything about me changed.


Growing up as a child, I was thought that Family are only those who were connected by blood (i.e family Ties), but that was all  lies,  because there are some people who aren't families but can  go extra miles in making sure that a day in your life would not pass by without putting a smile on your face.

Now guys, here's the story about my friendship with chibuzor:

Chibuzor was a lady i met at my place of work upon my employment as an OAP. The way i connected with her for the first time of our meeting, made me believe that you do not need a thousand years to find that right friend in your life. this Lady am talking about is one person that comes to my mind whenever i think of someone to talk to, she made me discover the real vien and made me believe that the only person that  could stop me from achieving that which i have always dreamt of was me. she was indeed the true definition of friendship ( friendship is all about sacrifice).

All through her stay with me in my company was worth while cos she is the reason i dream of coming to work everyday , she was not just a friend but was also a Sister and a Mother at the same time. This is the only lady that i have never heard anyone spoke bad about, she was a friend of all and upon her send-forth everybody's valedictory speech said it all as if it was planned ( i mean, same comment). But now, she has to go and start up a new life elsewhere with her husband. I wish I had the power to stop her, but if wishes were horses they will say... It's going to be difficult for me to get over her the fact that I won't be seeing her beautiful smilling face again whenever I come to work, but one thing is rest assured that even distance can not separate us for we have bonded too strong to be separated.

Chibuzor, groomed me to becoming this wonderful OAP you know today, and my promise to her is that I will never disappoint her.I have come thus far with her support and for my long work not to be in vain, i will make her so proud of me cos I know that she expects more from me now that she is far away from me. She has always been a part of my life and my career and will forever be. "A smile does not cost a thing but achieves alot, it pleases those who receive it and harmless to those who give it out, though it is short lived, but it's memory is for a very long time".Chibuzor thought me this and that is why the Vien you know today is the ever smiling Vien no matter the odd nor Circumstance.

You raised me Chibuzor (singing the song , you raise me up... with tears dropping down my jaw), you groomed me, you nurtured me and watched me grow into becoming the woman i am today.I know i haven't been able to pay you back for all you have done for me cos i haven't gotten to that height i have always dreamt of, but I know for sure that once i get there, you will surely sing a song of Praise.

Join me Fams in celebrating this wonderful woman who has added a meaning to my Life, I love  and adore her so much cos she is part of the V-lifestyle. kisses to you....

To get the best out of this journal, you must be following me on all social media platforms @Vien007, Instagram, twitter, facebook, Snapchat and online at Talk to you soon, but till then be Kind to one another. xoxo


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