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It's now set in stone, love! Love? okay Love. I have had the best life ever being a girl and now blossomed into A full grown woman. Everyday I wake up, I sometimes ignore the holy book, heck I even don't pray because at some point we all just get tired, tired of praying and missing the target (yup! I miss the bulls eyes all the time but get something close to it, laughing hard), but a small still voice in me hears the late "Christina Grimmie" (s) voice singing, "I WON'T GIVE UP ON LOVE". Christinna was just too young to die, not only did she die, she was murdered and her hit tracks that are yet to be released  died with her and why did she die? because someone loved her. Some say love is patient, others think it's kind, but it's high time we say it is cruel when we mismanage it.

Yes! I know God love's the world and he gave us his only son, but humans are yet to understand the true meaning of love, and what we should do with it.

Songs like

"Now That We've Found Love What Are We Gonna Do With It?"
    ArtistHeavy D & The Boyz

or "We Found Love In A Hopeless Place"
Genre'10s Pop

should really make you stop, stare and think really hard what it is that you want from love.

I have used all the muscles in me to understand the concept behind loving a man, the concept for loving humanity in general is vain, yes it is, I wish I could explain what I mean but I am just going to sit here and type away what it is that I feel at this moment when it comes to love.

I have a true confession to make, I have never felt love from any man other than the love of God and my father. Sometimes I get mad at both of them for how I am left here to figure this puzzle out. One Father was physical, I could see and touch him, the other, (God) I could only say things to and hope he would use intuition to guide my steps (Well, they said to stop saying the Holy Spirit, laughing Hard.) . I get mad at them because God could have kept my biological father alive but he didn't so I got mad at him, on the other hand, my biological Father promised to stay with me ( As if he is Sam Smith, laughing hard.) but he left so I remained mad at him as well, but now that I am older, I figured, it's the way life is, sometimes you just have to take the crap it serves you and go with the flow.

Now back to how I got it (LOVE) wrong. I am done looking for love the right, the wrong, and the almost right wrong way. I hurt myself many times trying to feed my bipolar nature (I finally googled up my symptoms and discovered I have been bipolar all my life, actually, I am not, lol but it sometimes feels as if I am so, that's the story I am sticking to.), trying to justify why nature and humanity is unkind, but I finally figured it out, it's been me all along! I set myself up for the hurt and pain of love and now that I am older and wiser I am ready to get it right (This does not mean I am perfect though because I recently messed up big time and I will share the story in the part 2 of this article.).

I wont sit here and type that love does not exist, the truth is, it does, but if you chase it, it leaves, if you leave it, it dies, I need you to figure out what I need you to do after this article, but like me, please do not contemplate suicide, it will be a waste of a perfect body, soft skin and mind of gold. I loved many times but was robbed! now, I am the thief who will steal love but scared I might just do it too well that I will amaze myself and get overwhelmed and kill it.

See y' all later alligators, be kind to one another, till I get back here on my page (Pray it's not 12 years from now, as I am a slave to my job, laughing hard these days hopeful that some day I will be laughing even harder to the bank for my work, Amin/ Amen.)

Bamidele V. Osagie


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