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Hello dear, have you heard? Did you see? Do you know? 


Have you ever wondered why we do the things that set our souls on fire? Ever wondered why your favourite colour is what it is? Ever wondered why you have a life which sometimes you feel is not enough? Ever wondered of the world being spherical yet we never fall off it? Well, that’s how I feel whenever I am about to write an article on here. I wonder a lot but one thing I never do is doubt that there is a God and well-wishers and people who are just in your corner, and for this, I want to say thank you to God! 

Now to the article for today, I had wanted to give some relationship nuggets as this is my forte, but with what is currently trending right now, I had to save that piece for next week( So, don’t forget to set a reminder for that). This piece took me, 3 days to put together ‘cos I had to find a way to express myself and not be swayed by my emotions but the truth. The world right now asides experiencing a pandemic, is in the middle of a racial war after a video surfaced online, showing 4 white police officers watching as a black man by the name “George Floyd” take his last breath under the knees of an officer of the law who swore to protect him, but failed! I sit here and just think, maybe, just maybe the officer was angered by a black man earlier, maybe he too had been duped so he felt the day was for the owner and not the thief, maybe truly the black man had at the time done something that triggered his heart( he could be hypertensive you know), or maybe the officer just assumed the black man, in his plea for mercy saying, “I can’t breathe”, was mistaken for a prankster hence the officers didn’t believe him when he cried! I just wonder!

Viewers Discretion is Advised

Many have lent their voice to this cause, but most of us have forgotten to do one thing the racist doesn’t do, which is LOVE! When you have love, you see things better. Racists were not raised in love, if they were, they would have the fear of God to not take a man’s life because they didn’t create it.

As the deed has been done, the next step to healing is forgiveness & In forgiveness there is love. In hate, there is still hidden love, but above all, love never forgets, and it should be kind (I pray people fight the good fight with wisdom and not recklessness that will only lead to more pain). For example, this below, this is definitely not the answer.


I may type this in anger and pain, and it seems otherwise in your eyesight, but the truth still remains, we can’t change violence with violence. I’d say this, one more time, love! Love! Love!

I always say be kind to one another it’s not gonna cost you much, trust me, it’s from a place of love, cos if the world had a little bit of kindness and love, what we see now will never come to play. Anyways, I hope we all find peace and justice, till next week don’t forget, if you want more of me, just find me on my socials @Vien007 and on my blog, via




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