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 Wow, its been a long time since I did a weekend special, hope this edition brings back the flow I once had when it came to this article, and haven said that, here is my weekend special.

Living in a world so lonely with no body to talk to, can be the hardest thing ever but hey, life is still beautiful regardless, you are the only person who has the power to affect the change or feelings you have. My Friday was not as I planned but in the end, I give thanks.

It seems this day I will have to vent how I feel hence forth here to create a balance in the real world with my true emotions (I have no idea what I just typed means, smiles), but at the end of the day, hey who am I not to have feelings eh? The week end was not the best ever, was spoken to in harsh words, was angered by a friend (no more trust between I and this person), was up all night till past bed time(yeah! blame that on my outing with the wrong folk) which now resulted to me not having a good and well deserved rested weekend.
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Looking forward to my new journey for the "Writers Bureau" academy and so much more, but the truth really remains not so far from me (it is what it is, I speak in parables today!), I am not who I used to be anymore, little do the people around me know, (breathing heavily) if they knew, wow! they would be amazed at the info and insights of the new me, my mind, attitude, character, persona and vision. I am in that space where I really do not care anymore, and this is where I want to be till I figure out the sphere, the limbo world we all live in.
Photo: Who is God to you? For us on #thesundaypraiseshow He is the God that knows whats up with you and us!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday and I missed church again, not intentionally but due to some circumstances I could not control, and later on mum and big sis were at it again! staring to loose my cool at home these days, everything better get back to normal else, the real curious case of Vien Smart will be unleashed and I can bet a million Naira, these folks ain't ready for this side, trust me, I know what I mean.

At work on Monday morning, looking all brand new and I must say, I miss my good old days of having enough sleep and rest, these days, I literally sleep, walk and work at the same time. The show has begun and there is a hiccup as always, I really do not feel like being here but have no choice as at now, but come September I will have a wide smile on my face, done with this ish here, too much drama from the drama kings and queens, at the least I hope come tomorrow I can do what I set out to do and not get interrupted or sabotaged like I was today (Time for the box office show and all I had typed down on my word page was gone, deleted!, that is just the height of terrorism, laughing hard), I had to quickly improvise (duh! I wrote the script myself so I could quickly download all I had in my head out on air, but the new girl though seems to be balling and acting her role (I did not expect any less, this is the thing yeah, I am so ready for this), having fun watching her do her thing, puppeteer of the show, pushing me back and forth and catching me off guard (I have saved asses too many times, laughing hard, but come tomorrow, I am done!) its time to stop making everything look perfect and let the mistakes roll out! ya heard. (This is my own reality show!)


Got a young man in the studio today and it sure broke my heart to see how the Nigerian Government abandoned him at the point when he needed the government the most after being involved in a car crash on his way for an official duty for the government in 2010, will put the story up here tomorrow. Coming Soon......

Well after such a sad story, I can not really go any further as regards trying to put a smile on your face today, but hey, look on the bright side, use this man's story to change today. I realised that complaining does not really solve your problems but rather doing what you feel is best, and getting things done for your self is a good way to start.

B. V.O (Vian is back)


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