If this was to be an article on Britney spears I would say "oops! she did it again. Can not believe Rihanna went back to Chris! and now they are set to get married, well I wish them well and hope she knows what she's doing, asking why my mind is on the matter? lets just say today, its all about Domestic Violence topic in the studio and I am passionate about it because a family member was involved in this some years back, and yes, thank God she is free from the living hell she was in(my sister by the way is now single but alive and happy). Here are some tips(9) for you to know if your man is a woman beater in the making. 9.Calls you names, insults you or puts you down Prevents you from going to work or school 8.Stops you from seeing family members or friends 7.Tries to control how you spend money, where you go, what medicines you take or what you wear 6.Acts jealous or possessive or constantly accuses you of being unfaithful 5.Gets angry when drinking alcohol or u...
Keeping Up With The Media Personality "Vien007"