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Its Friday, yeah ! and I'm ready to swing, pick up my girls and.......wait a minute, that's a track line from the late Aliyahs song"back n forth", good song right there, speaking of songs, i promised to upload 10 Nigerian tracks that rock right now today and that is exactly what I'm gonna do tonight but first, the last shout out of the event MANNERS! and then, a re cap of my day.
MANners, how men love, why they love, and why they don't! July 15th. Ladies, you shouldn't be told!!! Guys, invite the ladies and ladies come with your friends. Featuring, Yinka Davis, Chigurl, etc..
VENUE: THE VICTORY DOME, DAVIDS CHRISTIAN CENTRE, FATGBEMS BUS STOP, BEHIND NEPA OFFICE. DATE: 15TH JULY 2012 TIME: 4PM        I woke up, said my prayers to my creator and on with the task for today. I went in the hunt for Shawarma bread and yes! i found it!. My best friend Doubra stopped over and we went shopping for baby gifts for his friend who just put to bed(had a baby), i went to the bank later after the shopping to get my fee for the bridal train dress I'm making for my aunty's wedding, super excited, I'm gonna be a brides maid(smiling), its the second time in my entire life, loll, I and weddings don't get along just fine, and don't ask me why please, just know it had something to do with the bouquet tossing back in the day that left me almost blind, toothless and jaw broken (laughing hard). I'm home now, rehearsing my lines for the movie and i get a call from Tarzan, long time no hear from is all i have to say, he apparently thinks i am in the business of chopping money, well, don't we all have our own thoughts. I know i am living my life like its golden and that's the best feeling ever. Its past 6pm in the evening and I'm done ironing, thank goodness P.H.C.N is doing well, else i would have rocked not ironed outfits for the movie. Alladdin isn't feeling too well, i hope it doesn't linger though. Time to sleep but i must take a shower and do some waxing and body polishing, a sisters gotta look super fly you know*winks*.
Done with all i have to do, guess its time to bring you the top 5 hot songs now in the City. Hope you like it.

Okay, lets stop at 5 today, the next 5 will be up later, enjoy. See y' all later alligators, be kind to each other till i get back, watch out for my weekend special on monday night, its gonna be hot! scenes photo while on set will be posted right her for y' all.

Bamidele V. Osagie


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